Ways by which Pastoralists Cope with Changes

Concept Explanation

Ways by which Pastoralists Cope with Changes

Ways by which Pastoralists cope with the Changes: Pastoralists coped up with the changes in a variety of ways

  • Some pastoralists reduced their number of cattle as there was not enough pastures to feed them. others discovered new pastures, when old grazing areas were not available.
  • After 1947, the Raikas could no longer move to Sindh.The new political boundaries between India and Pakistan stopped their movement. so in recent years, they have been migrating to haryana, where sheep can graze agricultural fields after the harvest . the field also manure that the animals can provide.
  • The rich pastoralists started buying land and gave up their nomadic life . some have become peasants while others have taken extensive trading. some poor pastoralists borrowed money from money landers to survive .
  • Many of them lost their cattle and become labourers, working on fields in small towns.
  • Inspite of all these difficulties , pastoralists not only continue to survive, in many areas, their numbers have expanded over recent decades.
  • When pasture land in one place to another was closed to them , they changed the direction of their movement and reduced the size of the herd .
  • sometimes they combined pastoral activity with other forms of income and adapted the changes of modern world.                                                                                             
  • Pastoralism in Africa: Africa is a country where over half the world’s pastoral population lives. Even now, over 22 million Africans depend on some forms of pastoral activities for their livelihood.

  • The different pastoral communities of Africa are Beckuiris, Berbers, Maasai, Somali, Boran and Turkana. Most of them lived in semi arid grasslands where rainfed agriculture is difficult.
  • They raise cattle, camels, goats, sheep and donkeys.
  • They sell milk, meat, animal skin and wool. Some of them earn through trade and transport. Others combine pastoral activity with agriculture field and still others do a variety of odd jobs.

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